Friday, June 19, 2015

Haunted House w/Modifications

I invested in the Haunted House; previously it costs Life Points to buy, but now Simoleons will do the job. Haunted House is available for both Premium and Standard plots; Premium comes with  pool. I put my on a standard plot because I wanted the premium plots for my own designs. This is the original layout (more or less):

I felt it was lacking some things that a good haunted house needed, so I expanded.

A private elevator (haunted) will take your most monstrous sim to his or her very own dungeon!  Chains on the wall keep your victim from running, plenty table and counter space offer room for 'experimentation' and an underground furnace allows for destruction of evidence.

Don't have a hostage yet? No problem. Invite the villagers over for a tour of the haunted house and a party to die for.  The second floor is spacious, modern, equipped to entertain guests.

Pick your victim; take them out to the balcony and seduce them by the light of lost souls.

The party might end but the horror doesn't have to!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Finished First Basement

I bought Sims Freeplay Premade One Bedroom House and expanded it to a three bedroom house. I simply added a stairwell to the back of the house, which leads to my first finished basement.

Down below, is a common room with pingpong table, bookshelf, tv and music.

His and her bedrooms with walk in closets and a joint bathroom.